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  • Masters of Mahamudra: Eighty-Four Buddhist Siddhas

    About The File:
    File Format | PDF
    File Size | 18.2 MB
    Pages | 472
    Language | English
    Category | Buddhism
    Description:  The lives of the Mahasiddhas, great Indian tantric yogis, who accomplished the supreme realisation of mahamudra - the inseparable union of wisdom and compassion, of emptiness and skilful means. Leading unconventional lives, the siddhas include some of the greatest Buddhist teachers including Tilopa, Naropa, Luipa, Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Virupa, Saraha, Indrabhuti, and Ghantapa, as well some of the Nath siddhas who are also revered in the Hindu tradition such as Goraksa.

    Dowman's extensive introduction traces the development of tantra and discusses the key concepts of mahamudra. In a lively and illuminating style, he unfolds the deeper understandings of mind that the texts encode and each of the 84 yogis and yoginis are listed with their biographies, their extraordinary practices and their histories.
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