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  • Mahamudra and Related Instructions: Core Teachings of the Kagyu

    About The File:
    File Format | PDF
    File Size | 14.4 MB
    Pages | 775
    Language | English
    Category | Meditation
    Description:  The Kagyü school of Tibetan Buddhism began in the 11th century with such renowned figures as Marpa and Milarepa, and it continues today with the Karmapa and several best-selling authors, including Pema Chodron and Chogyam Trungpa. Mahamudra, the “Great Seal,” is a central teaching of the Kagyü school, along with the so-called six dharmas of Naropa. Formulated as a systematic practice by Gampopa (1079-1153), the mahamudra teachings trace their source to earlier Indian materials and focus on the cultivation of profound insight into the nature of the mind.
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